Live Stream Community Terms
Please do not share sensitive or personal information about yourself or others.
- You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
- Please share only content that is accurate and truthful.
- At all times, please remember to comply with the Facebook Community Guidelines. Do not make comments that include content that involves nudity or sexual content, harmful or dangerous content, hateful, violent or graphic content, harassing, cyber-bullying, misleading, threatening, infringing on the third-party rights of others, or content that is directed toward children.
- If you are a paid participant, Brand (defined below) employee, agent, or received product from the Brand to participate, please disclose any connection to the Brand including receipt of free product, samples or compensation or affiliation.
- Please make sure your participation does not include content that may infringe any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, other proprietary right or right of publicity or privacy or violate any law or contain false, misleading content.
- By participating in the [iT Cosmetics Sweet 16 Facebook. “LiveStream”], you grant Brand and its parent, affiliates and/or related entities (collectively, [“iT Cosmetics, Luxe Division, L’Oréal USA, S/D Inc.”] the right to use your social media handle, moniker, name and/or your video, comment, testimonial, likeness in perpetuity and for any brand marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes. You hereby represent and warrant that (i) you own all right in and to your comments, (ii) you have permission from any person(s) appearing in the Live to grant the right herein and shall provide such permission to Brand upon its request, (iii) you are not a minor, (iv) if your post contains a testimonial you further agree that it is a true and accurate expression of your honest belief based on the use of iT Cosmetics products and that you have disclosed receipt of any free product or incentives in exchange for providing your post You hereby release, discharge and agree to hold iT Cosmetics and any person acting on iT Cosmetics’ behalf harmless from any liability related in any way with your participation in a iT Cosmetics Sweet 16 Facebook, LiveStream, including any violation of your use of the Facebook.